Pentawards Packaging Design Competition 2022 with Adam Ryan | Ep 81

Pentawards, the most prestigious global packaging design competition is back in 2022! Adam Ryan and I discuss the changing landscape of packaging competitions and why diversity matters in building a global design community. This year's jury is made up of designers, materials experts, and an NGO (WWF) spanning Russia, the Americas, Asia, and pretty much every continent on the map.
If you want to win a prize, there are lots of packaging competitions out there, but if you want to build community Pentawards is the one to enter.
Adam shares how each entry is discussed and issued a feedback score that provides every entrant insight into how their design is being critiqued. This feedback score is a great way to improve your design, view design in a new way, and improve in areas you may not have considered.
Join us for the first episode in our Pentawards series, moving forward we will be speaking with Pentawards winners, judges, and designers.
Enter your packaging at Pentawards today
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