Aug. 25, 2021

Engineering Packaging Logistics & Supply Chains | Ep 61

Engineering Packaging Logistics & Supply Chains | Ep 61

Supply chains are breaking down, freight rates are blowing up, and today there are even brands that are paying off dock workers to move their products to the front of the line.
Don't stoop low enough to break the law, just listen to this episode where Thaxton Lipscomb explains how to engineer your logistics to move your goods faster and cheaper. He lays out everything from materials to incoterms and how to save money by shifting responsibilities to sellers making them want to move the goods faster in order to get paid upon delivery.
Here's what you get in this episode:
1) What the hell is ECT? If you’re ordering packaging and it’s shipping in corrugated boxes, you need to know what ECT is. You’ll also get a few standards that you can use when quoting packaging. Yes, the quality of the cartons impact your overall costs.
2) This was new to me, they’re called INCOterms. Thaxton will explain how to leverage incoterms to create a sense of urgency in delivery but also how you can shift the responsibility to the seller. Not only that it can allow you to shift costs back to the seller and determine who is responsible for payment and when.
So save money and get things faster.
3) One of the biggest trends coming for 2022. Reverse logistics!
Forget the color of the year, brands don’t really care about superficial trends right now. It is all about consumer experience and saving money. Really it’s about saving money.
Reverse logistics does both.
4) I know I usually give you three things, but this one is so good I gotta tease it. Thaxton explains how they saved money and redesign time by changing the truck type instead of redesigning the packaging to correct transit damage.
You have to listen to this because you won’t believe it.

Supply chains are breaking down, freight rates are blowing up, and today there are even brands that are paying off dock workers to move their products to the front of the line.

Don't stoop low enough to break the law, just listen to this episode where Thaxton Lipscomb explains how to engineer your logistics to move your goods faster and cheaper. He lays out everything from materials to incoterms and how to save money by shifting responsibilities to sellers making them want to move the goods faster in order to get paid upon delivery.

Here's what you get in this episode:

1) What the hell is ECT? If you’re ordering packaging and it’s shipping in corrugated boxes, you need to know what ECT is. You’ll also get a few standards that you can use when quoting packaging. Yes, the quality of the cartons impact your overall costs.

2) This was new to me, they’re called INCOterms. Thaxton will explain how to leverage incoterms to create a sense of urgency in delivery but also how you can shift the responsibility to the seller. Not only that it can allow you to shift costs back to the seller and determine who is responsible for payment and when.

So save money and get things faster.

3) One of the biggest trends coming for 2022. Reverse logistics!

Forget the color of the year, brands don’t really care about superficial trends right now. It is all about consumer experience and saving money. Really it’s about saving money.

Reverse logistics does both.

4) I know I usually give you three things, but this one is so good I gotta tease it. Thaxton explains how they saved money and redesign time by changing the truck type instead of redesigning the packaging to correct transit damage. 

You have to listen to this because you won’t believe it.


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