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Adey Efrem

Adey Efrem Profile Photo

Packaging Designer

Adey is a packaging designer with 7+ years of experience in the CPG industry and a focus in food & beverage. She's a creative who's passionate about designing beautiful sensory experiences that impact people. You'll find that color is the key focus of her work, and she's most excited about design that's bright, modern and fresh.

March 8, 2024

Unleashing the Power of AI in Packaging Design: A Conversation with Adey Efrem ? Ep 165

This episode unveils the transformative power of AI in packaging design through the eyes of Adey Efrem, a trailblazer who has dared to venture where few designers have. Starting with her initial foray into the world of design to her current role as a spearhead at Impossible Foods, Adey's story is a…
Guest: Adey Efrem