Oct. 26, 2020

Packaging Design Education in Finland's Aalto University | Ep. 28

Packaging Design Education in Finland's Aalto University | Ep. 28
Markus Joutsela is a Visual Communications lecturer at Finland's famous Aalto University. Markus also founded the Pack-Age program which takes students from every discipline and combines them to create packaging innovation machines that work with some of the world's biggest brands.  Markus and Evelio discuss the types of projects the students collaborate on and how they interact with the brands they work with. We also discuss why there is so much innovation coming from the Nordic region of the world, and the differences in their approach to education.  Connect with Markus Joutsela - LinkedIn Learn more about the Pack-Age program - http://pack-age.aalto.fi/ Aalto University's School of Design & Architecture - https://www.aalto.fi/en/school-of-arts-design-and-architecture Helsinki's Design Week - https://www.helsinkidesignweek.com/series/purposeful-packaging/ Connect with Evelio Mattos - LinkedIn Evelio's number one hidden packaging design productivity hack (shhh nobody looks here so you're the only one I'm telling) Thanks to Intl. Direct Packaging for Sponsoring this episode - IDPdirect.com