April 21, 2021

Product & Packaging Design with Enlisted Design | Ep. 45

Product & Packaging Design with Enlisted Design | Ep. 45

Packaging design powerhouse Enlisted Design has designed packaging for brands like All Birds, Fridababy, Linksys, and so many other brands. Beau Oyler CEO of Enlisted shares their approach to designing product and packaging under the same roof. Enlisted isn't just a packaging design agency, they develop and engineer products and establish the branding, delivering the complete turn key product. 

We also learn about the power of Enlisted Design's tools for capturing user data from e-commerce interactions essentially give their team X-Ray specs into the minds of consumers. A data collection process that would have previously cost hundred of thousands is now baked into their process. 

If you've ever considered launching your own agency, check out how Beau got started and see what the Enlisted team is forecasting as the future of packaging.

Follow Enlisted: https://www.linkedin.com/company/enlisted-design/

Connect with Beau Oyler: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beauoyler/


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