Aug. 3, 2021

Sustainable Packaging & The Packaging Revolution | Ep. 56

Sustainable Packaging & The Packaging Revolution | Ep. 56

What is the packaging revolution? How sustainability is a communal concept and requires legal enforcement to be effective. Society chooses what it considers sustainable and acts accordingly.
The packaging revolution is the waking up of consumers and brands to the realization they've been doing it wrong for many years and in Fabrice's new Book he breaks down each material and packaging structure.

Learn what materials are recyclable, how to use new trends to improve your packaging, and what it means to be sustainable.

50 years ago Fabrice was picking up trash in his village, 20 years later he launched one of France's most famous packaging design agencies. Today Fabrice Peltier, world renowned author, shares with us what he's learned about sustainability and why we're in the middle of a revolution. 

Get ready to fight for your planet because this revolution isn't jut limited to packaging, it's about product, logistics, consumerism, and everything in between. He explains the confusing nature of sustainability, how Europe differs from the Americas when it comes to recycling packaging.

Fabrice's book The packaging Revolution is a must read, and it's written in simple terms so anyone without packaging design experience can learn to make more sustainable packaging decisions. 

All in all, you’ll get at least 3 key takeaways.

1) How to trendspot 20 years into the future.

- seriously he’s got a great process that beats mine and I just work 5 years in the future. So I’m going to start putting this process into play for myself.

2) How to help brands make the right choices in materials, processes, and give them a clear picture of what sustainability can mean for them.

- If you’re not already helping brands make these decisions, you’ll gain some insight into how to do this.

3) Compostables. Yes we get into compostable plastics and we get a European angle on this material. We also get into some of the laws passed around these materials and packaging.

We discuss the Packaging Revolution, and learn that the reason it’s written our in such simple terms that anyone can understand is that Fabrice is also the author behind the French version of Design for Dummies!

You can pick up Fabrice Peltier's books here!
Connect with Fabrice Peltier on LinkedIn

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