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Season 1

May 19, 2020

The Power of Structural Packaging Design | Ep. 4

How do you build a packaging design agency when you're not in a big city known for design? Ask Mat Bogust of Think Packaging and he'll tell you to just start posting and the world will notice! Today, New Zealand is known for ...

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May 14, 2020

What is Recyclable Packaging? | Ep. 3

Beau Peck Director of Marketing and Zero Waste at The Pro Recycling Group, breaks down the value for packaging designers to understand what happens to your packaging once it's discarded. We talk about the benefits of pre-sor...

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May 11, 2020

What is Luxury Packaging Design | Ep. 2

Vincent Villeger, former Director of Packaging at Burberry discusses what makes luxury packaging powerful, and how to follow your creative instincts to make the right decisions. We answer if primary packaging such as fragran...

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May 6, 2020

Sustainable Packaging Design Materials | Ep. 1

In our first episode we discuss the realities of sustainable packaging design and what to consider when considering sustainable materials. Our guest is Nikki Withington, owner of Square 1 Packaging Solutions and NPD based in ...

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